Down to Earth was part of 'Lapworth Lates', a valentines evening arts event at Lapworth Museum of Geology, University of Birmingham.  The programme of films, talks and workshops considered human relationships.

Down to Earth was part of 'Lapworth Lates', a valentines evening arts event at Lapworth Museum of Geology, University of Birmingham. The programme of films, talks and workshops considered human relationships.

Based in the beautiful mineral gallery, I invited visitors to process earth pigments into watercolours while we discussed our relationship to the earth, one another and other-than-human species.

Based in the beautiful mineral gallery, I invited visitors to process earth pigments into watercolours while we discussed our relationship to the earth, one another and other-than-human species.

Using earth pigment watercolours and botanical inks, I also invited visitors to paint a panel for a myriorama or ‘endless landscape’.  Myrioramas were a Victorian card game of printed panels which could be rearranged in any order to make a continuous landscape.

Using earth pigment watercolours and botanical inks visitors could paint a panel for a myriorama or ‘endless landscape’. Myrioramas were a Victorian card game of printed panels which could be rearranged in any order to make a continuous landscape.

Thanks to Greg Milner for sharing his beautiful photos

The Lost Inks


I am Ivy