Research and Material Innovation
Horsetail Bio-Material
Material developed for hand modelling, moulding and 3D printing.
The key ingredient of my biomaterial is Field Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense) a common plant descended from the prehistoric Calamites, much of which became coal in the Carboniferous period. Field Horsetail’s unusual physical properties are hinted at in its historical common names such as pewterwort, scouring rush or gunbright. Gardeners hate it because they can’t get rid of it due to its deep root rhizomes.
Field Horsetail’s evolution, historical use, contemporary attitudes towards it and material properties provide a rich context for conversations around climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, animating reflections on value
and legacy.
Collaborative Learning
Becoming Earthly
The Barn Arts Centre, Aberdeenshire, 2022
A collaboration with Alys Fowler (writer & horticulturist).
An online experimental learning space for artists exploring what it means to be in ‘a fragile temporary state, dependent on natural systems’.
Part of the selection process required that we wrote a question to bring to the group. Ours was ‘How can we rot the ego?’
Talk and Community Engagement
Spreading The Wild
Highbury Park, King Heath, 2023
Wild plants that were spreading and out-growing my plot were transplanted to a neighbouring park by a group of volunters.
We spoke about ‘wild tending’ to increase biodiversity and the ways it can also seed community connection.
Collaborative Workshop
Specualtive Materials
Woodland Games
Blah blah hhkjhksf knfskkfsj nfsn sfjnsfjnfsjnfs sfnjsfnsf ndhjs ksfnjfs kjsnnfs jnnsfnns sfnnsf nskfnsfn nsfn snkfsnkn fsknknfs sfnksfnnfs sfnsf knfsn fs ksfnkfs knfsk knskn
Blah blah hhkjhksf knfskkfsj nfsn sfjnsfjnfsjnfs sfnjsfnsf ndhjs ksfnjfs kjsnnfs jnnsfnns sfnnsf nskfnsfn nsfn snkfsnkn fsknknfs sfnksfnnfs sfnsf knfsn fs ksfnkfs knfsk knskn
Girls that Geek
Midland Arts Cente and Steamhouse, 2024